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New Release Review! THE DAREDEVIL by Dylan Allen (A 1001 Dark Nights/River Wilde novella)

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The Daredevil, an all-new must-read Rivers Wilde Novella from Wall Street Journal bestselling author Dylan Allen and 1,001 Dark Nights is available now!

From Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author Dylan Allen comes a new story in her Rivers Wilde series…

“I dare you to let me watch…”

It was the wickedest of propositions, made by the most devilish of men.

It doesn’t matter that Tyson Wilde has got a killer smile, wears a suit like it’s his job,

and oozes spine-tingling sex appeal. I should say no.

Because beneath the surface of that cool, disinterested exterior,

lies passion hot enough to burn. I danced too close to it once and have the scars to prove it.

So, on any other night, in any other city, and if he’d been even a fraction less mouthwatering,

I would have been able to resist.

But it’s my birthday, we’re in Paris, and it’s him.

I can’t say no.

I don’t want to say no.

And this time, no matter how right we feel together, I won’t let myself forget that when this weekend is over, we will be, too.

We’re only pretending to be lovers to land a deal.

Success will mean a promotion—one I want more than anything.

At least, that’s what I thought.

Falling in love was a danger neither Tyson or I saw coming.

And it will cost one of us everything.

**Every 1001 Dark Nights novella is a standalone story. For new readers, it’s an introduction to an author’s world. And for fans, it’s a bonus book in the author’s series. We hope you’ll enjoy each one as much as we do.**

You can’t PRY me out of Rivers Wilde. I’ve moved in and I’m STAYING. –Amelia Wilde, USA Today bestselling author

The Daredevil cover

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I know she’s been going through a tough divorce, but I’ve never seen her anything other than energetic, snarky, or hyper focused at work. I don’t know what to do with an emotional crying Dina. So I do what I’d want if I was feeling bad enough to cry in front of someone. I wrap an arm around her and run a soothing hand over her back. She presses her face into my shoulder, and her hair tickles my cheek and my neck. It smells like fruit, and I want to bury my face in it.

She pulls away and saves me from embarrassing myself. “I’m sorry I cried all over you. I’m fine,” she says in a weepy, small voice.

I push her hair back from her face and smile. “It’s okay to cry. Even the strongest people need a soft place to land every once in a while.”

“It’s the alcohol, I had too much,” she protests.

“I didn’t have enough,” I confess with a wry smile.

She pats my chest as if to console me. “Well, I’m glad because if you did, who would carry me upstairs to bed?”

“This house doesn’t have stairs,” I remind her with a laugh.

“Then it’s your lucky day. This ass is as heavy as it looks.” She smiles and drops her head back onto my shoulder and closes her eyes.

“Are you asleep?” I ask after a full minute of listening to her deep breathing.

“No, I’m smelling you.”

My burst of surprised laughter jostles us both. “Smelling me?”

“Mmm-hmm, I knew you’d smell this good.”

“You’ve thought about the way I smell?” I ask, even though I shouldn’t.

“Oh, yeah, but it’s much better than my imagination.” She presses the cold tip of her nose into my neck and sniffs loudly. “I’m mad I waited so long to do this,” she says.

“How long have you been waiting?”

She lifts her head from my shirt. Her eyes are still wet but aren’t sad as she looks up into my face with a light in her eyes that I’ve never seen before. “Since the first time I saw you.”

“You’re drunk. You don’t mean it.” I laugh, but it’s thin and false. The air around us seems to thicken, and my eyes are riveted to that luscious, sweet, hot mouth of hers.

“You know I do. And I know you want me, too. I’ve seen the way you watch me.”


Once again, a 1001 Dark Nights novella has done its job admirably–it’s introduced me to a new author and series, and made me want to read more! The Daredevil worked just fine as a standalone, but since it’s 3.5 in its series–and we are briefly introduced to at least two of the other couples in the series (Tyson’s older siblings and their partners)–their stories have become all the more tempting. Mission accomplished!

Reading Tyson and Dina’s story, I don’t have any problem at all imagining that fans of the series have been awaiting this book. It’s clear to anyone that has eyes that there is something going on between the two of them (well, okay, it’s somehow not exactly clear to his mother/their boss? But that works in their favor here, at least) and watching them finally get to it was extremely satisfying, whether you’ve been waiting a few books or a few chapters. The setting of Paris added an extra layer, as did the corporate drama the two of them had to work through to finish a business deal for their company (am I the only one who saw that long night of work the two of them put in like a movie montage, dramatic music and all?)

Even being new to the series it was clear to me what choices Tyson and Dina should make to get to their HEA, and Ms Allen did a nice job of helping them to realize it without dragging things on too long or creating unneeded angst along the way. The Daredevil was an entertaining–and hot!–way to spend an evening of reading.

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

Dylan Allen author graphic

About the author:

Dylan Allen is a Texas girl with a serious case of wanderlust.

A self-proclaimed happily ever junkie, she loves creating stories where her characters chase their own happy endings.

When she isn’t writing or reading, eating or cooking, she and her family are planning their next adventure.

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