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New Release Review! FORTUNE FAVORS THE DUKE by Kristin Vayden (The Cambridge Brotherhood #1)

Fortune Favors the Duke cover

The new Duke has a proper scandal brewing.

Quinton Errington is perfectly happy teaching at Cambridge, with his elder brother carrying the duties of being the Duke of Wesley. But when a trip to celebrate Wesley’s last week of bachelorhood ends in tragedy, Quinton, who becomes the Duke of Wesley, would give anything to have his brother back.

Now, under the most heartbreaking circumstances, Wesley’s would-be bride, Catherine Greatheart, is left wanting. Her only protection left, her grandmother, has fallen ill, and Catherine has nowhere left to turn but to the family she was so close to being part of. The new Duke is kind, and she could use a friend who understands what she’s going through.

Between learning how to be the head of his family’s estate, mourning his brother, and trying not to fall in love with his late-brother’s fiancée, Quinton will need some help—and it’s a good thing he’s not alone.

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This was such a lovely story!

Fortune Favors the Duke kicks off a new series (The Cambridge Brotherhood) and starts out with a devastating tragedy, which will be the overarching impetus for the series. The impact of that tragedy is doubled here, since it effects both the hero and the heroine, and it makes their story–and their eventual HEA–richer and feel that much sweeter in the end.

Quint and Catherine’s story was a bit of a slow burn romance–which makes sense, given how it starts–and I really liked the parallels that were made between the heroine and Catherine the Great (though I certainly hope her marriage ends up a billion times better than the historical figure’s did!) The quotes from her at the beginning of each of her POV chapters was a nice touch. I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for the next book in the series ( My Dearest Duke )

Fortune Favors the Duke was my first from this author–but definitely not my last!

Rating: 4 stars / A-

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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