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New Release Review and Giveaway! THE PHOENIX CAMPAIGN (Grace Colton #2)

I was dying for this book to come out–dying, I tell you!


The Phoenix Campaign Synopsis:

Ambition. Lust. Sacrifice. Politics just got a whole lot sexier.

Grace Colton’s life is a blur—security, appearances, and a desperately fast ramp-up to Election Day. Political consultant Jared Rankin is pulling the strings to win the White House with the Conover-Colton ticket.

But the fragile relationship Grace and Jared forged could be ruined by secrets traded for political leverage. She’s hiding her new relationship with Jared from the public, and concealing a deeper secret from everyone.

When Grace reveals the explosive truth to her running mate, squeaky-clean Senator Conover must confront his own haunted past. Grace’s future—and their campaign—could be ruined by the lies meant to protect what they love most.

Peek behind the curtain and under the covers in this sexy political drama that exposes the true cost of ambition, lust and sacrifice.

The Phoenix Campaign is an erotic romance set in the world of presidential election politics. Recommended for mature readers due to sharp dialogue, wickedly hot sex, and a few delicious taboos. This full-length novel is second in a series but can be read as a standalone.



This is a hard one to review, because oh my gosh, spoilers–there are potential spoilers everywhere! so I’m going to stick with a lot of general comments–sorry!

I love, love, love Grace and Jared. They aren’t together as much as I’d like in this one–it’s too close to the election to let them spend time on frivolous things like relationships–but when they are, the scenes are just as explosive as in book one. I love these two together.

“She doesn’t like cursing. Or taking the Lord’s name in vain,” I explain as the Secret Service SUV pulls up to Trey and Mama Bea’s apartment.

Jared opens the car door for me. “So if I say, ‘Jesus Christ, Grace. Give me one fucking minute,’ that won’t go over well?”

LOL–somehow I’d forgotten all about his tendency to ask her for “one fucking minute”

Grace’s keeping way too many secrets here, and on the one hand I do get why she feels like she has to, because ohmygoodness, Jared is really keeping things close to the vest, but it’s also pretty frustrating. I wanted her to ‘fess up about a million times–while at the same time completely sympathizing with her dilemma.

Pretty major information is revealed about a character, and I never saw it coming. I’m still digesting–not sure how I feel about it–so I can’t blame that character for their reaction to it either.

Still, just…wow.

Huge things happen in the campaign, major stuff goes on between Grace and Jared, Trey is still awesome, Aliza gets to oogle some fine Secret Service butt(!), and Lauren Kennedy Darrow is still evil incarnate–in all, just a fabulous read.

I cannot wait for book three!

Technically, I think this could be read as a standalone, since everything you need to know is pretty much here. I’d strongly suggest reading book one, The Phoenix Candidate, first,\ though. Reading this one will make you want to go back and pick up the first one anyway–you’ll save yourself the time and thank me later.

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A-

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.


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The Phoenix Candidate:

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Heidi Joy Tretheway Bio:heid-profile-photo-feb-2015

Heidi Joy is a sucker for campfires, craft cocktails, and steamy romance in books and real life. She sings along with musicals (badly), craves French carbs, and buys plane tickets the way some women buy shoes.

Her first career as a journalist took Heidi behind the scenes with politicians, rock stars, chefs, and detectives, all of whom inspire her stories. Heidi Joy is currently working on her eighth book from her home in Portland, Oregon. She adores hearing from readers at


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